Friday, January 27, 2006

The music of Mozart is heard almost everyday by people who are watching movies, listening to the radio, or even while being put on hold. It seems Mozart, like other classical greats, have become a part of our lives and traditions. In New York this summer a 40 year tradition will continue at the Lincoln Center when they present their Mostly Mozart Program.
Even though I may not be as well known as Mozart, I too will be celebrating today with my loved ones. There will be good food, good cheer and, of course, some bad singing . . . and without a doubt, cake.

Monday, January 23, 2006
Down With Bullies

What a great idea.
During the week of January 24-28, 2005, hundreds of schools serving grades five through eight took part in the second annual NNCW (No Name-Calling Week). Educators and concerned citizens banded together and created activties aimed at stopping name-calling and creating safer and more affirming schools for all students.
By creating an opportunity for an ongoing dialogue about ways to eliminate name-calling in communities, organizers have made a difference in their neighbourhoods. Why not give it a try in your area - it just might surprise you.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Tradition Continues

I have read many of Poe's works and it still amazes me how editors can take his works and market them toward children. His last poem, "Annabel Lee," is beautifully written and is believed to be a tribute to his late wife and the folks at Tundra Books have made it into a picture book aimed at children aged 4-8. Now I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this poem at that age but the illustrations are lovely and it is nice for mom and dad to have a book to read to their children that is just as enjoyable for them as it is for the little ones.
Another book aimed at the younger crowd is "Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness" and this one is a real treat because of the illustrations by Gris Grimly - a great name for an illustrator of gothic art.
Whether you read Poe as a child or as an adult you will agree there will "Nevermore" be an author as sublime as Poe.
Happy Birthday Mr. Poe.
Monday, January 16, 2006
A Worthwhile Dream

Please take a moment today and remember Dr. King and even more importantly, remember his dream.
Martin Luther King, Jr.(1929-1968)

(source possumsnooze/holidays.html)
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Bring on the Rubbermaid

Hey, wait a minute, maybe becoming organized will allow be to retain the title of The Not So Domestic Goddess. After all, a domestic goddess would never dream of putting her laundry aside or ordering take-out for supper (I have planned on doing both today). Perhaps getting organized will help prevent the extinction of dust bunnies that have found refuge under my furniture as I will be too busy sorting, labeling, shelving and storing to hunt them down. Too busy getting organized to complete the mundane tasks of everyday housework. This project is beginning to show promise.
Now, if I could only make this last until my next excuse . . . er, I mean . . . project rolls around.
Sunday, January 08, 2006

I have a love of learning. Some may say I'm just overly curious but I am always questioning and searching for answers. Each and everyday I learn something new and I never tire of the process of discovery. The past five years have been a dream come true for me. Being a university student has allowed me to dive into learning and have it become a part of me. Even on forms and documents I am defined as a full-time student, something I have been all my life as I am constantly learning.
The learning process continues for me now but in a less structured way. I miss living by the syllabus - class times, deadlines, reading assignments, essays, tests, exams - it gives you structure and guides you through the learning process. It seems strange to me to be able to read a book for pleasure and not because it is on my reading list. Even stranger still is reading said book and not looking at it as a potential essay topic. It is hard to read a novel and not "unpack" it for discussion. Sometimes when I read a passage I want to discuss it with a group of like-minded people to see what they think of it, perhaps I will be using this forum for that purpose.
In any event, I am finally fulfilling my dream and getting a university degree but I have a funny feeling that this dream is only going to get bigger.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
What now?

As I sit in front of my computer I wonder what is in store for me. One can plan all they like but life has a funny way of turning those plans around. When I was 18 and finishing high school all I wanted to do was go to work. University was something rich kids did, not me. My teachers had tried to convince me to continue my education but I was a teenager and knew it all. I wanted the immediate satisfaction of a pay cheque, not the long term commitment of university. Now, twenty-nine years later, I am starting all over again and wondering what is waiting for me down the road. Will I find the job I have been hoping for? Is this the right direction to go? Can dreams really come true?