Sunday, May 28, 2006
See You in the Funnies

"At DC and Marvel Comics, new heroes are gay, black, Asian and Hispanic."
One problem I have with this sudden enlightenment in the comic world is their choice of what to do with the female characters. It seems one is being married off (Storm of X-Men fame) and one is nothing more than a baby factory - "Mother of Champions, who can give birth to a litter of 25 super-soldiers about every three days." Now that's gonna hurt.
There is hope though. Batwoman's new incarnation sounds like a fun gal -

"a lesbian socialite by night and a crime fighter by later in the night."
Imagine the possibilities.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Finally Here

After five interesting and exciting years I will be receiving my BA and BEd this afternoon. During rehearsal yesterday I realized I finally did it.
I would like to congratulate my fellow Class of 2006 graduates and wish them all the best.
There have been many smiles and some tears through the years but I know it was one of the best experiences of my life time.
The folks below are expressing exactly how I feel today - total jubilation:
If you see me this weekend I will be grinning as much as my little green friend below:
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day

Whether you received breakfast in bed, a bouquet of flowers, or a homemade card from your child, I know you are celebrating the fact you have one of the greatest (and most under-rated) "jobs" in the world - being a mother.
May this Mother's Day find you in good health and surrounded by loved ones.
Bonus Links: Learn about Mother's Day here.
Activities and more here.